a sense of awakening in the PNW

the weather forecast called for low 50s during the day, with a few hours teasing opportunities of sunshine. we knew that riding to and from first-come-first-served style campgrounds throughout the Olympic Peninsula in September could turn out to be a relentless adventure. even with a well thought out itinerary, we didn’t know what to expect.


for starters, the climate in this region of Washington is known to be extremely variable and unpredictable, no matter the time of year. 100 – 200 inches of rain fall hails down annually, creating a dense landscape lined with old-growth forests, lush hillsides, and shades of green that could only be found on the paint palette of Bob Ross. it’s one thing to drive an overlander rig through this region, it’s an entirely different experience on a motorcycle. and from our perspective, it’s honestly the only way to do it..

when you ride a motorcycle through dense dawn air in the Pacific Northwest, there are moments of absolute clarity. the cold, wet, wind biting through your Kevlar lined gloves reminds you of how easily your mindset can shift. you tell yourself while the pavement blurs below your feet, “my hands are f*cking cold and I can barely feel the throttle.” that's what the definition of clarity should be: being in the moment, taking in your surroundings 100%, and realizing that not much else matters at that moment. it's purity. it's purpose. it's the suffering. it's why we do what we do. that grind. it's all worth it.